


Montgomery Ward opened its first retail store in which city?

Business / Business Trivia /

Cincinnati, Ohio
Boston, Massachusetts
Plymouth, Indiana
Boise, Idaho

What "protective device" did Joseph Glidden invent in 1873?

Business / Business Trivia /

Barbed Wire
Gun Powder

Besides "Haunted Mansion", which Disneyland attraction was the last Walt Disney helped "imagineer"?

Business / Business Trivia /

The Monorail
Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln
Cinderella Castle
The Pirates Of The Caribbean

What was the first chain store business established in the U.S.?

Business / Business Trivia /

Sears And Roebuck

What happens to the price of a share of stock when the stock splits?

Business / Business Trivia /

None Of These
It Goes Down
The Price Goes Up
The Price Stays The Same

What do they call a problem faced by uninformed winning buyers?

Business / Business Trivia /

Winner's Curse
Wild Card
Curse Of King Tut
Green Envy

How did super-rich Bruce Kovner make his billions?

Business / Business Trivia /

Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Hedge Funds

What are "Blue Sky Laws" designed to do?

Business / Business Trivia /

Restrict Limits On Trade
Restrict Allowable Margin Credit
Protect Against Securities Frauds
Close Stock Exchanges On Sunday

Who founded the Oracle Corporation, a producer of database software?

Business / Business Trivia /

Michael Faraday
Lawrence J. Ellison
John Perry Barlow
William Randolph Hearst

What was credited with propelling the Dow Jones Industrial Average past the 3000 mark?

Business / Business Trivia /

World War II
Gulf War
Falkland Island War
Korean War

In the Net Present Value Rule, what investments are worth making?

Business / Business Trivia /

Those With Liquid Assets
Those With Positive NPV
Those With Negative NPV
Those With Monetary Gold Value

If your pension plan doesn't have enough money invested, what is it called?

Business / Business Trivia /



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