


What is the symbol for the zodiac sign Libra?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

The Tree
The Scales
The Fish
The Bull

Which personality trait best fits an Aries woman?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Has Few Close Friends
Loves Exercise
Enjoys Cooking

Which of these are the most accurate likes of a Pisces person?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Self-Improvement, Trying New Things
Creativity, The Metaphysical, Music
Being Ignored, Authority
Anything Physical

The generous and spiritual Pisces has a deep desire for what?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Explore New Places And Learn New Things
To Turn Their Wildest Dreams Into Reality
To Stand Out From The Crowd
Love And Be Loved

What TV series is right on target for an adventurous Sagittarius?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Parks And Recreation
Downton Abbey
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
Being Mary Jane

What is the best essential oil for the non-conforming Aquarius?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Blue Cypress
Black Pepper

What are the lucky days for the unpredictable Aries?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Monday, Wednesday, Sunday
Wednesday, Friday, Thursday
Saturday, Sunday, Friday
Tuesday, Friday, And Saturday

What is the zodiac sign Gemini's motto for life?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Live Every Day Like It's Your Last
Variety Is The Spice Of Life
Love Conquers All
Set Some Goals Then Demolish Them

What is the zodiac sign Cancer's motto for life?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Life Is A Gift
I Feel, Therefore I Am
You Can Do Anything, But Not Everything
Less Is More

Which numbers are lucky for Aries?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

9, 8, 6
2, 4, 7
6, 1, 10
5, 1, 8

What is one physical appearance that many Leo men possess?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Large Ears
Intense Eyes
Small Hands
Straight Nose

What is the lucky metal for the sign Aquarius?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /

Iron, Lead And Uranium
Rhodium And Zirconium

What is the ruling planet for Taurus?

Entertainment / Astrology Trivia /



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