


Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Entertainment News


Rated R for strong bloody violent content, gore, language throughout and some sexual references.

What it’s about: Twin brothers reckon with the wrath and wreckage that a cursed toy monkey brings into their lives.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is an extremely gory horror film.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Everybody dies. Some worse than others.

Violence: Extreme bloody and gory images of bodily destruction, in all manner of ways.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: References to sex but no nudity.

Drugs: Vaping and smoking and references to drugs.

Parents’ advisory: Way too gory for kids or young audiences. OK for adults and mature teens only.




Rated PG for strong thematic material, alcohol abuse, language and some violence.

What it’s about: The true story of a father learning to live with — and celebrate — his medically fragile son, who has autism and a brittle bone disease.

The kid attractor factor: This family-oriented film comes from a kid's perspective, but the issues of substance abuse and salvation through faith and family skew more adult.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Just because someone is different doesn't make them a struggle. Learn to reframe your way of looking at the world.

Violence: Some tantrums and fights, a drunk driving incident.

Language: Some strong language.

Sex: References to a one-night stand.

Drugs: Alcohol abuse.

Parents’ advisory: Fine for kids if they're interested in the material.


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