


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

This is one pretty composition and one that is instruction as well with regard to promotions.

The composer was S.G. Belokon in 1969. We give the short pretty line as the main line, although the variations are quite instructive. 1.e7 Rd8 1...Ra3+ 2.Kb5 Rxa7 3.e8=Q Rc7 4.Kb6 Rc8 5.Qf7 Bc7+ 6.Kc5 Rh8 7.Qa2+ Kb8 8.Qb2+ and mates shortly 2.exd8=N! 2.exd8=B Bxa7 3.Bc7 Bd4 4.Bd6 Bb6! 5.Kb5 Bd8= 2...Bxa7 3.c7 Bb8 4.c8=B! Bh2 5.Nc6 Bg3 6.Bb7# A delightful array of promotional possibilities that answers the question why would you promote to anything but a queen.


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