


On a Lunar Conjunction to Saturn

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The way we present ourselves tells people how we want them to see us and gives suggestions as to what to do with us. This is just the way of the material world. Maybe we don't like to give labels, but we must because processing is impossible without them. To keep things from falling into chaos, the world demands a taxonomy. Today's decisions...Read more

Uranus Turns Envious

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The rebellious planet turns around today rocking up the emotional world with an energy shift that shakes up pangs of envy for some. Because it speaks to your core desires, envy can be utilized. It can give you an accurate sense of the potential for joy in a given relationship, possession or role. Envy can steer you from what society says ...Read more

Year of the Snake

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The new moon in Aquarius sets the stage for a visionary beginning, ushering in the Lunar New Year of the Snake. Aquarius' airy energy inspires innovation and community, encouraging us to dream in wild, transformative arcs, while the Snake symbolizes rebirth and deep personal evolution. Together, they call us to trust our instincts to align ...Read more

Last Day of the Dragon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

As the Year of the Dragon exhales its final ember, we find ourselves beneath the mystical glow of three conjunctions. Honor the fire-breathing spirit that has propelled us forward with daring dreams and unrelenting courage. The dragon, a symbol of transformation and power, leaves behind a trail of luminous scales, a reminder of the ways we've ...Read more

Mercury Enters Aquarius

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Like the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two before it, every small emotional exchange contributes to a growing pattern of connection and understanding. In the math of kindness, a supportive word, a shared smile or a thoughtful gesture might seem insignificant on its own but will accumulate into a larger, more complex...Read more

Clearing for the Upcoming New Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Emotions are like wheat seeds in a mill. They fall into the flour sack when processed. They make it through when they are ground fine enough, and until then, they don't. There's no use judging yourself for what you can't let go of. Keep the process going until it's done. Feel the feelings and turn over the ideas, and they'll eventually wear ...Read more

Charmed Aspects of Venus and Mars

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The water sign trine of Venus and Mars suggests that no matter what you lay down at the altar of love, the act of giving makes you richer, if not in the way you wanted, then in other ways -- for instance, richer in wisdom or in compassion. For this reason, love's sacrifices cannot be. All pure-hearted gestures can only be teachers.

ARIES (...Read more

Venus Throws the Gauntlet

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When Venus opposes Mars, it's a sign for caution. Remember what's at stake beyond your own ego. When you're not sure how or whether to proceed, stall. It will give you time to understand the dynamics in play and to see what emerges as important and aligned with your values. It's better to have the benefit of a strategy than be at the whim of ...Read more

Mercury Opposes Mars

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Though complaining to the right people can be the first step in changing a dynamic, the complaining itself is not what fixes things and may be totally unnecessary. The Mercury and Mars opposition suggests skipping this step altogether. Go straight to coming up with possible solutions to present to the people who have the power to implement ...Read more

Who's the Bad Guy?

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Under this Scorpio moon, we are reminded how melodramas need a villain, superheroes need a nemesis, and fairy tales need an evil queen. In real life, the bad guy has such a nuanced and ever-shifting role, you're sometimes not sure who it is. Usually, it's the other person. Unless you're the other person -- then it's you.

ARIES (March 21-...Read more

Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function?

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The implications of a solar conjunction to Pluto suggest that some games are won by playing harder. Some are won through persistence, availability, vulnerability or strategy. Some games are won by chance. In games that can't be won, the winners are the ones who don't play at all.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). At first, your special interest ...Read more

Moon of Shared Humanity

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Under the harmonious Libra moon, we honor Martin Luther King Jr., whose dream of equality and justice continues to inspire. Like the moon's balance, King sought to bridge divides, weaving harmony into the fabric of a fractured world. His voice, steadfast and resonant, called for love to triumph over hate and courage to dismantle fear. ...Read more

Dawning of the Age

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

If Aquarius season were a wine, it might be called "Enlightenment," with a label highlighting a socially provocative image featuring the spirit of individuality. On the nose would be humanitarian ideals. The first swish would conjure collective innovation, with notes of technology, friendship and our better angels. The toast would be one of ...Read more

The Dawning of the Age

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The reason the "Age of Aquarius" was the catchy phrase of a musical phenomenon might have been the feeling about the zodiac sign of openness, philanthropy, philosophy and general optimism toward tomorrow. This solar start to Aquarius season ushers in decidedly mixed emotions, and even so they are sure to raise in the weeks to come.

ARIES (...Read more

Thick Lunar Oppositions

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The thing about making an impression is that it's seldom done in any way proper, usual or typical. What imprints on the mind is emotional, messy and one of a kind. The lunar oppositions are thick now, first with Venus and then Saturn emphasizing the need to, as Charli XCX suggests, "keep it sticky-icky like lip gloss."

ARIES (March 21-April ...Read more

Different Kind of Virgo Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

In this unusual lunar week, the moon shifts from a wolf to a cat to the maiden who can take care of them both. Virgo's capable energy makes quick work of what needs doing and leaves no detail untended. The grounded precision inspires confidence, making it a time of quiet but potent action. Execute tasks. The emotions will catch up.

ARIES (...Read more

On the Day of a Solar Opposition

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

There are many ways to discuss problems, including the option of not discussing and hoping it goes away. This is a day to avoid that style and opt for clearing the air with something brave and proactive. The lunar opposition to Mars in domestic Cancer throws an adage into the mix: "Tell me early, I'm your friend. Tell me late, I'm your critic....Read more

Love and Luck Planets Clash

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The Venus and Jupiter square may make it very easy to see what relationships bring us. Some bring joy, and others bring challenges much like the ones we saw our parents struggle with. Those dynamics can be comfortable even when they are unfavorable. Choosing badly is often the same thing as choosing what we know.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). ...Read more

Under the Wolf Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Dogs were humanity's first companions, their loyalty earned long before horses galloped into our lives or cats curled at our hearths. Perhaps this is why the wolf's howl echoes in the deepest chambers of our own wild hearts. Tonight's full moon stirs those dog-like instincts -- affection, loyalty and an ancient connection, calling us to honor ...Read more

Water Sign Trine of Hope

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Fairness is a fragile idea -- idealized and rarely realized. One wonders if humans are the only ones who hunger for symmetry, balance and justice that the world does not adhere to and, in fact, shrugs at. But here we are, doing our part. Mars and Neptune offer a water trine of hope as we work, love, fight, persist, fall down and get back up.

...Read more


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