


Neptunian Trine

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Activated by the moon, Neptune stirs the imagination in soulful, insightful, emotional directions. All the ideas hold something in them. Some ideas provide a dim contrast to brighter ideas, and some are links and levers to brilliance. As long as you're having many ideas, you're in the flow of possibility, which is an exciting place to be.

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Heed the Venus Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

In the jostle of a Venus change, there's no need to wonder or ponder to pick the perfect moment to act. It's now -- always now. The question is which action. Maybe the action is doing planning or research. Maybe the action is listening for clues and cues. Maybe it's "go time" for the main event, but it's always going on now, which is the only ...Read more

End of a Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The end of the Mercury retrograde delivers a moral to the story. Impatience and frustration boil down to one thing: a belief that one's own timing is superior to the timing of the world. Of course, this belief is not only absurd but it's impossible to prove, since the world only ever goes by its own timing. That's why patience is not just for ...Read more

Earth Sign Trine Lends Luck for Starting Habits

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Dailiness builds the strongest bonds. The sun comes up every morning and the blossoms open to drink it in, as they have since the beginning of flowers. Daily visits, however brief, are a theme to carry us through Virgo season. Whether we check in with friends, ourselves or another interest, habits are established in a few minutes each day.

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Sun Spotlights the Obvious Problem

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

As the sun and moon square off to form the only major aspect of the day, the problem will be obvious. On the bright side, the answer to one problem will also be the fix for ten others. The right attitude can make way for excellent solutions. In some cases, the right attitude is the solution. Apply it to excellent effect across the ...Read more

Last Days of the Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The Mercury retrograde's last days shine on our beautifully flawed attempts at life. Even when we give it our best shot, we still manage to trip over our own feet sometimes. That's exactly how it should be. Imagine the sheer dullness of a perfectly choreographed life. It's those little mishaps and blunders that teach us the dance steps to get ...Read more

Virgo's Planning Phase

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's a fine time to review what you've enjoyed, learned and accomplished in the past few weeks. What worked and what didn't? Any regrets? If you brought 10% more discipline and tenacity to the scene, what would that look like? Answer these questions to get a strong start to one of the most productive seasons of the year.

ARIES (March 21-April...Read more

The Practical Magic of Virgo Season

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

What did you mean to do under the Leo Sun that you didn't quite get around to? The new season suggests a change of tactics. Practical methods may just be the quicker way to the goal. These first days of Virgo Season are ideal for planning. Pinpoint the one small move that, if repeated 100 times, would actually make a difference.

ARIES (March ...Read more

Toast to Virgo Season

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The sun moves into the part of the zodiac with a reputation that's hard to live up to. Regardless, it's time to start trying. Here's to Virgo season, the part of the year when we all pretend we've got our act together! Cheers to organizing our chaos, perfecting our imperfections and making plans we might actually stick to -- at least until ...Read more

Pisces Moon Omen

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

At times, the world can feel so small, as though we've met all the people, seen the places and know what there is to know about it. Of course, this is ridiculous, as feelings can be. One new interest can change everything. Stay open. The visionary Pisces moon pulls from Venus, portending a new expansion. Exploration makes us curious; curiosity...Read more

Fish's Fateful Magic

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The fish has symbolic significance in most cultures around the world, ancient and modern alike. Mythology features fish who talk, fish who grant wishes, and fish who host weary travelers like a floating Airbnb and then spit them out on a distant shore. The Pisces post-sturgeon moon continues the magic themes, our hopes reflected in its gleam ...Read more

In the Light of the Sturgeon Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's so normal to want to seek things such as perfection, validation and happiness, though these are precisely the kinds of slippery pursuits that can never be fully caught. As soon as you touch them, they move a little further out of reach. The sturgeon moon suggests we trade the energy of "seeking" altogether today for the energy of "living ...Read more

Framing the Full Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The pre-show to the full moon echoes the importance of framing. The way we talk about our lives is an act of framing. A choice of frame can either harmonize with the overall picture, enhancing its beauty, or clash with it, detracting from its appeal. The alignment of the sun and Mercury in presentational Leo points out how a fitting and well-...Read more

Cat Whimsy

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

With Mercury's return to the sign of the cat, this time in backward motion, the weekend gets a delightful dusting of whimsy. Just because an impulse is playful doesn't mean it will be taken as such. Misunderstandings are still possible, if not prevalent under the Mercury retrograde. Go gingerly, testing as you go. The cat's effectiveness can ...Read more

Mars and Saturn Grudge Match

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Are you sentimental when it comes to your possessions? Do you hold on because of what a thing represents? Are there certain relationship fixtures and rules you hold sacred regardless of their practicality? The grudge match between Mars and Saturn carries through as a theme, bringing up interesting questions about why we're unwilling to let ...Read more

Mars and Saturn Strife

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When Mars and Saturn square off, the main conflict is a case of the unreasonable bumping up against the immovable. There are those among us who make a point of believing in their own moral superiority, which includes a policy of always being right and never being sorry. Inflexible entities such as this could be stuck in an impasse indefinitely...Read more

Mercury's Entertainment Elevator

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Behind every "effortless" performance lies countless hours of practice, dedication and fine-tuning. Mercury backing into Leo reminds us that work is elevated by those who understand that the true skill is not just in the doing but in mastering the craft to the point of fulfilling other agendas while executing it -- for instance, the aim of ...Read more

Adventure Time

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

With the sun and moon both burning through fire signs, we venture into new territory, seeking inspiration, motivation and fuel to keep the high energy going. Fortune favors the initiators, the travelers and the opportunity seizers, who are different from straight-up opportunists -- going in with an agenda isn't the same as welcoming the ...Read more

Partly Cloudy

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A lucky trine, a stressful square and a complex opposition are all part of the Scorpio moon agenda. Unhelpful thoughts will gather, not unlike clouds in the sky. Clouds drift through, take various shapes, look substantial one minute and then vaporize the next. A cloud that looks like a hippo isn't a hippo at all. Thoughts are the same way. ...Read more

A Retrograde Campaign

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Adversity is a teacher, an evolutionary assistant, arguably, an essential ingredient to everything that exists or has ever existed. Without something to overcome, what is there? In light of this, the idea that anyone would feel entitled to a life without some kind of adversity is naive absurdity at best. This message is brought to us by the ...Read more


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