Life Advice



Couple Have Divergent Views About Punctuality

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: A friend retired, moved and gave me her well-paying, once-a-week job doing industrial cleaning. It pays a sizable chunk of our bills. My husband, who agreed to work with me doing this, gives me a hard time every week by being late.

We need to be there after business hours at 5:30 p.m. so we don't interrupt anyone while they're ...Read more

Husband Can't Be Bothered To Help With Wife's Needs

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I recently scheduled a last-minute consultation with my doctor that might result in surgery. My husband has a meeting during that time, which isn't actually necessary, but he feels he needs to attend. I feel he is choosing a non-urgent obligation over my more immediate concerns.

All that said, I am capable of handling what comes my ...Read more

Family Members Don't Support Transgender Relative

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My young adult child came out to us as transgender several months ago. My husband and I, along with her sibling, are supportive and love her unconditionally.

She recently decided to share the news with her grandparents, sending a heartfelt email along with a couple of resources specifically for grandparents. One grandparent has been ...Read more

Co-Workers' Fight Jolts Multiple Relationships

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I've been seeing a man, "Barry," who worked with my younger brother. They had an altercation at work, and Barry was terminated for misconduct. My brother, "Rob," is upset with me because I still see him. Barry did reach out to Rob to apologize and see if they could move on. While my brother has forgiven Barry, he has chosen to have no...Read more

Wife Is Now Fearful About Being Pregnant

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married for two years, together for five. He's a wonderful man I love dearly. I always felt called to be a mother, and he has expressed the same about being a father. He would be an incredible father, and I'd love nothing more than to raise children with him.

The conflict is that, over the past year or so, ...Read more

Helpful Neighbor Draws The Line At Socializing

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I retired a few years ago to a neighborhood where most of the residents are our age, and we have become friendly with the widow next door. My husband and I help her out with any minor home issues she runs into and some light gardening. We are happy to do this. She and I also occasionally get together for coffee.

She ...Read more

Partner Of Pregnant Woman Backs Out Of Trip Abroad

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: Should I be mad at the father of my unborn child for not coming with me to travel out of the country? My cousin is being married in Mexico. However, my partner, "Gabriel," isn't going because one of his good friends is getting married the same weekend.

We found out only recently that I am pregnant, and by the time my cousin's wedding...Read more

Sister's Bird Gets The Royal Treatment

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My sister has a squawky bird she insists on keeping alongside the dinner table when she invites guests for dinner. Its ear-piercing screeching inhibits guests' ability to carry on normal conversation, so I asked her if, in the future, she could please put the bird in another room during dinner. She responded that the bird is a family ...Read more

Retired Husband Lives With Physical And Emotional Pain

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband has been retired from law enforcement for five years. I can't retire, as I am self-employed. I was always the one who had to take time off work to care for him with his back and hip surgeries, his mom, his dad and my mom for the past 15 years. I also took care of his kids during weekend visits.

He has spent his retirement ...Read more


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