Life Advice





The Problem Is You

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband and I are trying to figure out how to emotionally support our adult daughter, who is 40 years old. She is going through a very emotional period in her life.

She has been married for about a year, has "major issues" with her spouse and is not certain she can "stay in the relationship." But from our conversations with her ...Read more

Co-Workers' Fight Jolts Multiple Relationships

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I've been seeing a man, "Barry," who worked with my younger brother. They had an altercation at work, and Barry was terminated for misconduct. My brother, "Rob," is upset with me because I still see him. Barry did reach out to Rob to apologize and see if they could move on. While my brother has forgiven Barry, he has chosen to have no...Read more

Asking Eric: Girlfriend not invited to family funeral

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I'm involved with a man whose sister recently died. I rented a car, bought his kids clothes for the funeral and made sure everything was in order. The funeral was out of town. I wanted to be there for support, but he didn't invite me. I took off of work and he left with his kids.

When I told him how I felt about not being invited, he...Read more

Frustrated Sister Questions Brother's Girlfriend's Behavior

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm feeling frustrated with my brother's girlfriend, and I could use your perspective. "Sally" often stays over at our house, especially on days when she doesn't have classes, as she's about to graduate college. Meanwhile, my brother "Bill" is already working, and he covers all of the household expenses since our parents are ...Read more

To Spoon Or Not To Spoon?

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My spouse and I frequently host meals for 10 to 20 guests, both personally and professionally. We have a debate over whether to put out spoons for meals when we are not serving soup.

My spouse contends that spoons may be used for things other than soup (e.g. spreads, or the last bits of thin sauces). I prefer not to set out ...Read more

Remember the Good Times

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have had many odd symptoms over the years that got worse, and it has taken much research to finally get help. I have deficiencies in vitamins D and B12 that require more than a multivitamin. Doctors don't learn nutrition in medical school and are unaware of what deficiencies look like. Vitamins aren't part of routine bloodwork. ...Read more

Wife Is Now Fearful About Being Pregnant

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married for two years, together for five. He's a wonderful man I love dearly. I always felt called to be a mother, and he has expressed the same about being a father. He would be an incredible father, and I'd love nothing more than to raise children with him.

The conflict is that, over the past year or so, ...Read more

Millennial Life: From Stranger to Councilor

Therapist waiting rooms are inherently awkward. We're all working through something. I'll sit and chat in a doctor's office, especially with the older generations who aren't as glued to their phones. At the therapist, I've picked sliding into a seat and being riveted to my small screen.

This week, though, I sat, hunched over, and caught a: "...Read more

Asking Eric: Wife debates telling husband his body has changed

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: How should I tell my husband he has breasts? He is not a vain man, and I suspect does not study himself in a mirror. He is on many new meds which can result in developing this condition.

For the most part he is fully dressed, but it’s summertime and he may, at some point, want to remove his shirt to swim with friends. I’m sure ...Read more

Daughter Spreads Her Wings

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My daughter and her father and I were always close. We talked daily, telling one another about our days. She has three children. We paid for preschool for all of them, bought their clothes and even bought a condo for them to live in while she went to law school. She is our only living child; we were in a position to help, and we were...Read more

Helpful Neighbor Draws The Line At Socializing

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I retired a few years ago to a neighborhood where most of the residents are our age, and we have become friendly with the widow next door. My husband and I help her out with any minor home issues she runs into and some light gardening. We are happy to do this. She and I also occasionally get together for coffee.

She ...Read more

Asking Eric: Beach house inheritance divides siblings

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Before he passed years ago, my father transferred his beach house to his six adult kids. We did not ask to become owners of a shared house, and I always thought it was a horrible idea.

Most of us kids tend to travel to different places, while one has always loved to vacation at the beach house. My father would hand expenses to those ...Read more

Sister Devastated By Broken Engagement

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My sister's fiance recently broke off their engagement, and she is absolutely devastated. They had been together for five years, and their relationship seemed solid. They had been planning their wedding for the past year, with invitations sent out, deposits paid and countless hours spent preparing for what was supposed to be one ...Read more

Backseat Drivers Become Backseat Parkers

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper response to someone who is very vocal when you are driving, and not in a way that is helpful? For example, when I am driving us to a restaurant and we pull into the parking lot, they will tell me I could have used a closer entrance. (I may or may not have seen the other entrance, but either way, it really ...Read more

Family Introductions

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for five years. We have a beautiful daughter, and we've got a son on the way. But I keep finding my husband using dating websites and chatrooms for singles. When I ask him about it, he gets angry and says, "That's from months ago!" But whenever I check the browser history, there are always more ...Read more

Partner Of Pregnant Woman Backs Out Of Trip Abroad

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: Should I be mad at the father of my unborn child for not coming with me to travel out of the country? My cousin is being married in Mexico. However, my partner, "Gabriel," isn't going because one of his good friends is getting married the same weekend.

We found out only recently that I am pregnant, and by the time my cousin's wedding...Read more

Asking Eric: Friend ghosted after big monetary gift

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I am a 33-year-old male on the autism spectrum. I have a friend, "Katie," who has been a big part of my life for the last few years. I have been a mentor and friend for her three little boys, and she, in return, has been a good friend to me.

Katie deals with a lot of anxiety (she considers herself neurodiverse, possibly on the High ...Read more

21-Year-Old Stressed Over Parents' Low Savings

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a 21-year-old woman, and I am feeling increasingly stressed and overwhelmed about my parents' low savings. Over the past few years, my mom and dad have been making it known to me and my siblings that they have very little savings and are unsure if they will ever be able to retire. This revelation has created a significant ...Read more

Taking Phone Calls During Family Events

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Fifteen minutes after arriving at an informal family get-together at someone's home, a relative took a phone call. She stepped out of the room where everyone was gathered and could be heard down the hall talking for the next 45 minutes.

This kind of thing seems to happen rather often. Am I alone in viewing it as inconsiderate...Read more

How Can I Help My Neighbor?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have a neighbor who is 90 years old. Her only caregiver was her adult son, who just died last week after a long struggle with opioid addiction. Since then, I and another neighbor have been checking on her several times a day, as she needs a lot of care. We've been grocery shopping for her, picking up prescriptions and running ...Read more


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