From the Left



Trump and His GOP Sycophants Driven Crazy by Kamala

Jim Hightower on

Suddenly, the presidential election has turned dynamic ... even fun!

The handoff from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris has not only energized Democrats, but it's also driving the Trump Party's top leaders absolutely crazy. Of course, that's a very short ride for most of them.

Take Andy Ogles, a far-right congressional goober from Tennessee who lunged for the media spotlight as soon as Biden endorsed Harris. He breathlessly called for the immediate impeachment of the vice president, squawking that (get this) she had covered up Biden's physical decline, thus making her guilty of misleading the people and the Congress about the well-being of the president. If ignorance is bliss, Ogles must be ecstatic. Hello -- Biden's supposed decline has hardly been a secret, with Republicans and the media harping on it for months. But today's hyperpartisan MAGA-heads don't let reality block their stupidity.

Indeed, the entire Republican hierarchy has joined the Silly Parade, trying to slap down Harris' candidacy. GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, for example, has shriveled himself and his office by pushing the absurd "Myth of the Stolen Nomination." Incredibly (literally), Johnson pretends to be the champion of the 14 million Democrats who voted for Biden in the party's primaries, asserting that elevating Harris "steals" the votes of Biden backers.

Gosh, Mikey, thanks for your deep concern for Democratic voters, but maybe you should ask them if they want you to be "their savior." Those 14 million Biden voters also chose Harris to be VP, and they are actually excited to have her now lead the ticket.

Besides, maybe you should mind your own party's business, including your Lord Trump's whiney attempts to steal the last election by trying to cancel the votes of millions of Americans.


Ted Cruz actually spoke the truth once. In 2016, when running for president against Trump, he said: "Donald has a problem with strong women. This is not subtle; it's not complicated."


Right! This truth is resurfacing now that Trump finds himself unexpectedly matched against a very formidable woman: Kamala Harris. Resorting to his old slap-'em-down style, Trump immediately called Harris "dumb as a rock," even as he mispronounced her name. He then had his press secretary flail at Harris as "weak" -- yet adding that's she "dangerously liberal." So, she's "weak" ... yet dangerously strong.

Pathetically, MAGA-world is resorting to overtly racist, anti-female tropes to attack Harris, proclaiming her to be a "DEI vice president" -- i.e., chosen solely because she's a woman of color. "When you go down that road," bellowed Rep. Tim Burchett, "you take mediocrity." Tim, a mediocre, ethically corrupt Trump-acolyte from Tennessee, has only one claim to fame: He once sponsored a bill to legalize the eating of roadkill.

Meanwhile, Trump's own VP choice, J.D. Vance, piled on the Harris DEI attack. That's awkward, since Vance, who falsely poses as a senatorial "hillbilly," is the ultimate DEI product. A Yale law school graduate, he was handpicked by Silicon Valley elites for plum jobs, then financed by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel to run a hedge-fund hustle. Then Thiel gave $10 million to put Vance in the U.S. Senate. The smug senator now trashes Harris and her women supporters as "a bunch of childless cat ladies."

This is Jim Hightower saying ... Trump & his rich bros think trashing a strong woman is a "winner" -- but they're about to learn that this is an inclusive America ... and Harris' diversity is a strength.

To find out more about Jim Hightower and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators webpage at


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