From the Right





Why Are the Nutjobs Trying to Kill Political Opponents All Left-Wingers?

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

In Aug. 2012, a left-wing MSNBC afficionado named Floyd Lee Corkins armed himself with a handgun and extra magazines. He drove to the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the socially conservative Family Research Council, planning to shoot it up. Corkins, who later cited the Southern Poverty Law Center for the proposition that the FRC is an "anti...Read more

On Abortion, Kamala Harris Is the Extremist!

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

At one point during the Sept. 10 presidential debate, former President Donald Trump accused Democrats of not only supporting unlimited third-trimester abortions but the "execution" of babies after birth.

Once Trump wrapped up his rant, Linsey Davis, one of the ABC News moderators, "fact-checked" the former president, helpfully noting that "...Read more

Progressives Lied. A Woman Died. Republicans Were Blamed.

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Being a progressive means you can lie with impunity and the media will declare you a truth-teller. The other day on CNN, Democrat strategist Elliot Williams defended Democrat claims that Donald Trump is a "threat to democracy" because of Trump's refusal to accept election results. Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams and every Democrat who thinks ...Read more

Kamala Harris Had Minority Journalists at 'Hello'

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The easiest thing in the world to predict is that Vice President Kamala Harris is going to be coddled by minority journalists. If you speak the mantra "diversity, equity, inclusion" -- and let's add "history" -- you're rooting for a Harris victory.

So when Harris finally consented to a sit-down with three liberals at a Philadelphia NPR station ...Read more

Voters Don't Want Harris' or Trump's Campaign Policies

From the Right / Michael Barone /

Neither Vice President Kamala Harris nor former President Donald Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday's front page, has any proposals to cut the rapidly increasing national debt. Instead, both are proposing to hand out goodies to strategically positioned voters.

Harris, with an eye on polls showing young voters not as pro-...Read more

A Second Trump Presidency Would Be Terrible for the Economy

From the Right / Mona Charen /

Following the Eating Pets imbroglio, one would think that undecided voters would have their doubts quelled about how to vote in November. What more is there to say?

This sociopath stood by while his violent mob smashed their way into the Capitol searching for the vice president in order to lynch him for disloyalty. When asked about this later, ...Read more

Liberal Neighbors to JD Vance -- Hillbilly, Go Home

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The park next to JD Vance's house in Alexandria, Virginia, is closed. After two assassination attempts against former President Donald Trump, security is tight near the Vance home in Del Ray, the upscale, family-friendly neighborhood that leans very much to the left.

There are security barriers and men and women in uniforms...Read more

The Biden-Harris Administration's Terrible Handling of Immigration Should Disqualify the Democrat in White House Bid

SAN DIEGO -- The Biden-Harris administration has united conservatives and liberals. Both are disgusted by how the Democrats have mishandled the U.S.-Mexico border -- albeit for different reasons.

A recent poll from Reuters/Ipsos found that only 31% -- less than a third -- of Americans approved of how the administration has dealt with the ...Read more

Gitmo and Politics

It is always dangerous to human freedom and due process when politics interferes with criminal prosecutions. Yet, present-day America is replete with tawdry examples of this.

The recent exposures of the political machinations of the Chief Justice of the United States in the presidential immunity case is just one sad example of the highest judge...Read more

How Falsehoods About Haitian Immigrants Consumed America

We've seen this xenophobic rodeo before. The blood libel accused Jews of using the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread.

On Aug. 27, approximately one hour and 10 minutes into a City Commission meeting in Springfield, Ohio, local resident Anthony Harris, a self-proclaimed "social media ...Read more

The Real Relationship Between Trump-Style Tariffs and Economic Growth

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of the idea that protective tariffs can restore America's economic greatness, based on the interpretation that they fueled our growth in the 19th century and can do so again in the 21st century. This claim isn't just wrong; it's dangerous.

Take recent comments by the conservative pundit Oren Cass, ...Read more

Trump's Republican Party Is the 'Big Tent' Party

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard spoke last week at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, during which she described her departure from the Democratic Party: "I joined the Democratic Party over 20 years ago. ... And at that time, I saw a party that was the 'big tent' party."

That, according to Gabbard, is no longer true.

Former presidential ...Read more

Cal Thomas: Words and deeds

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

In1995 when Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children and injuring hundreds more, President Bill Clinton blamed “politics/fromtheright/calthomas/s-3417419">Read more

Magical Thinking to Pay for Harris’ Spending Plan

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

Kamala Harris took a few brief minutes on the campaign trail to answer a couple of questions from reporters, and flash her policy chops.

When asked how she is going to pay for her lavish spending plans, the vice president explained that it would be covered via those indispensable fiscal tools -- pixie dust and magical thinking.

The expansion ...Read more

Fear, Death Threats & Trump’s Violent Rhetoric

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

She’s nervous. But she’s got three kids at home, and in this economy, it’s a job, and she needs it.

She didn’t know just how dangerous it would be, though. And now, as the big day gets closer and closer, she’s just hoping to survive it.

She was prepared for the worst. She’d had a five-hour training session in which local law ...Read more

An Important New Book About Reagan and the Presidency

From the Right / Star Parker /

Coincident with the new movie, "Reagan," is the release of an important new book about the Reagan presidency.

Ken Khachigian, chief speechwriter for Ronald Reagan from his presidential campaign in 1980 to the conclusion of his second term in 1988, has just published his memoirs from those years. The book, "Behind Closed Doors: In the Room ...Read more

The US Election's Dirty Issue: Undisciplined and Corrupted Security Agencies

From the Right / Austin Bay /

The list of American security agencies stained by bureaucratic incompetence, dreadful leadership and outright political corruption just keeps getting longer.

Let's start -- but not finish -- with the erstwhile elite of the elite in the bodyguard business: the U.S. Secret Service.

On Sept. 16, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) released his "...Read more

Reparations: Unconstitutional and Divisive -- Is Kamala Harris Backing These Giveaways?

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

New York's City Council voted Thursday to launch a reparations task force, which could lead to calls for billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded payouts to compensate for the impact of slavery and past injustices.

Gotham joins dozens of municipalities, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Evanston, Illinois, as well as three states -- California, Illinois...Read more

Lawyers and Their Nonsenical Lawsuits Should Be Acknowledged as Greedy Money Grabbers!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Have you gotten a letter that says, "You may be entitled to compensation"? I get a bunch. One claimed my union (New York State forced me to join) probably cheated me on medical insurance. I didn't think they did, but I filled out the forms. I got a check for $557. Great! ExcepT my lawyers pocketed $7 million. How is that fair? Well they worked ...Read more

It Is Time to Deal With the Debt

The median age in the United States in 2023 was 39.1 years, according to the Census Bureau. That means that approximately half the people in this country were born in 1984 or later.

What was happening four decades ago when about half America's current population started coming into the world?

In 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan was ...Read more


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