From the Right



Supremes to Rule on Transgender Law

Cal Thomas, Tribune Content Agency on

As if current Supreme Court cases were not controversial enough, the justices have accepted an appeal by the Biden administration“ seeking to block state bans on gender-affirming care for minors.” Notice that the media only declare something “controversial” when rulings go against the favored position of liberal elites.

As with abortion and “climate change”, the nomenclature and the way the media ignore information contrary to the secular progressive worldview helps shape public opinion.

“Gender- affirming care” is the preferred label, or“transgender health care,” as is “reproductive rights” on that other issue.

Gender dysphoria is the medical diagnosis. defines it as “ a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by a lack of congruence between gender identity and sex assigned at birth.”

The only part I disagree with is “gender assigned at birth.” One is born male or female. In my opinion, anything else is psychological, as the definition states, or influenced by culture.

Minor children are prohibited from many things. We used to agree on boundaries for certain behavior, but the secular left has been busy from the 1960s erasing boundaries, except the ones they prefer.

As with abortion where the media rarely do stories about women who regretted their decision, so it is with their coverage of “transgender youth.” One almost never reads or sees stories about people who have had gender- reassignment surgery and have regretted it.

World, a Christian news magazine popular among evangelical Christians, decided to find and interview some of those people. Admittedly they appear few in number, but by telling their stories it conveys information that especially young people should consider before experiencing the consequences of surgery, which include an inability to have children.

Ritchie Herron of the UK is one of several stories reported by World. Herron, who was born male, had surgery to change his body parts to female: “Herron’s surgery lasted over twice as long as planned. Major blood loss required a blood transfusion. When he came to his senses days later, his surgeon wheeled over to his bedside with a bright procedure light and showed him the result. Herron gasped at the sight of the wound and was instantly flooded with regret.


“'When I finally got out of bed and stood in the full-length mirror I just broke down. It was horrible’…”

“Five years after his surgery, Herron is living life as a man. But the nightmare is hardly over. He suffers from serious complications related to the vaginoplasty and other treatments. His symptoms include pain, urogenital disorders, and sexual dysfunction. He is suing (Britain’s) National Health Service for the permanent damage done to his body.”

As World reported: “National Health Service (has) confirmed it would no longer routinely prescribe puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria. But many doctors have no qualms about such protocols. Files leaked from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and published on March 4 in World revealed member doctors encouraging one another to prescribe transgender interventions to patients as young as 9 – including hormones and surgeries – even as some doctors expressed uncertainty. Currently, U.S. gender clinics rely on WPATH’s pro-transgender guidelines for treating kids.”

There are other stories of people who regretted their decisions, but most were adults. No minor child should be allowed to make such a decision and no parent should allow them to make it. Psychological and spiritual counseling have worked for others and like a lot of stuff teens and pre-teens go through, many will work their way out of what some critics have called a fad.

The Supreme Court should affirm state laws banning the procedure for minor children and parents should seek help for any child experiencing gender identity issues.


Readers may email Cal Thomas at Look for Cal Thomas’ latest book “A Watchman in the Night: What I've Seen Over 50 Years Reporting on America" (HumanixBooks).

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