



Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter (each sentence describes a different set). Example: malt, melt, molt.

1) The subject of the meeting was "The Poisonous Elixir".

2) When the man refused to fight, it caused the bully to shout "Are you chicken?".

3) When the cows heard the snake shake, there was a fight for survival.

4) Unable to see, the doctor was still able to concoct a mixture that was soothing to the stomach.

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Meeting of the Minds

Games / Brain Teasers /

What song lyric does this rebus describe?

Caspar says "Idiots will always enter a burning building."
Melchior says "They will do so, even when no one else will try."
Balthasar says "Not only that, but those dupes will do it quickly."

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Complex Teaser

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: complex, on, rat, stall
Group B: accord, gallop, new, tandem

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Not Cross Country

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Letter Equations are well known phrases or facts where the key words have been replaced with the first letter of that word. These are often in the form of an equation, which contain a number, an = sign and the rest of the obscured phrase or fact.

10 = M per P in C C

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Like Clockwork

Games / Brain Teasers /

What does this rebus represent?

2:53 AM = maelstrom
9:48 AM = conundrum
6:17 PM = talisman

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Matched Pairs

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each word in Group A can be paired with a unique word in Group B. What are the pairings? Why?

Group A:
apropos, doughy, gingham, mica, rebuff, scarab, squall, ukulele

Group B:
aloft, amateur, bituminous, enables, melody, phantasm, steroid, summary

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Breakfast Dilemma

Games / Brain Teasers /

Jane wants to make some toast for her breakfast. Unfortunately, her toaster is broken. Can you turn bread into toast by changing one letter at a time? Each step must create a valid word in the English language. Jane made the change in 7 steps. Can you do as well ... or better?


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Military Maneuver

Games / Brain Teasers /

Private Peter Perkins wants to change his branch of military service. He is currently in the army, but wants to join the navy. To leave the army, he must get out of his tank. He then has to go on board a ship to join the navy. Change ARMY to NAVY by changing one letter at a time. The change must go through TANK and SHIP. Each change must produce a valid word in the English language. No word can be used more than once.

ARMY ---- TANK ---- SHIP ---- NAVY

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Make SHARK (fish) evolve into TIGER (mammal) by changing one letter at a time. Each change must produce a valid word in the English language. But there is a catch. The evolution must go through VIPER (reptile) and RAVEN (bird). No word can be used more than once.


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American History

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which one of the 12 members of Group B can be added to the 7 members of Group A? Why?

Group A: Arizona, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia
Group B: California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, Texas, Wisconsin

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Cast a Net

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in Group B can be added to Group A?

Group A: castanets

Group B: gardening

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States of the Union

Games / Brain Teasers /

What is the next state in this series?

New York, Maryland, Georgia, Maine, Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, Idaho, ?

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American Presidents

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which president in Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor, Ulysses Grant, Dwight Eisenhower
Group B: William Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, George Bush, Bill Clinton

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Country Club

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which country in Group B can be added to Group A? Why? It has nothing to do with spelling or pronunciation.

Group A: Argentina, Iran, Jordan, Netherlands
Group B: Bolivia, Finland, Mongolia, Pakistan, Rwanda, United States

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Anagram Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

Anagram teaser; same letters, of course.
The first of the words is the movement of a horse.
The second of the words is used to make honey,
And the third is the look of a zombie.

What are the words?

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Games / Brain Teasers /

What is the meaning of this rebus?


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Word Fusion

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each statement describes two words that when fused together create a new unrelated word (not a compound word). The clues do not necessarily indicate in which order the two words are attached. Example: This is the oldness of a tablet (pill + age = pillage).

1) This is a canine's mother.
2) This is currently not there.
3) This is when pain is required.
4) This is a long time for a boar.

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More Ana-Grammar

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are anagrams of each other (each sentence describes a different set).

1) The big lamp threw a dazzling light upon the royal robe.

2) The goose put his life in jeopardy when he ate the flowers in the plot.

3) Startled by the warning signal, Jack tumbled into the sap; yet he only had to lightly wash his hair to remove the residue.

4) As Ed traveled around the country, he was directed to an alternate highway.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are anagrams of each other (each sentence describes a different set).

1) The entire squad dined on domesticated animal flesh.

2) The influential person wore a purplish-red identification card on his tuxedo.

3) You do not deserve for me send payment for the broken stopwatch.

4) Do not scold the clerk if you do not get a discount on the purchase of the egg whisker.

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Anagram Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

Anagram words, three to please.
A belt, a tower, and used with cheese.

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