


Country Club

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which country in Group B can be added to Group A? Why? It has nothing to do with their spelling or pronunciation.

Group A: Australia, Denmark, Egypt, Venezuela
Group B: Bulgaria, Japan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Zaire

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Anagram Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

An anagram riddle to tease you;
Three five-letter words, each gets one clue.
A guillotine's use,
An act to get deuce,
And what you are reading now in view.

What are the words?

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Words with GH

Games / Brain Teasers /

Five words that contain GH as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

GH---, -GH---, ---GH-, ----GH, ---GH--

Pool: A, A, E, I, M, O, O, O, R, R, S, S, S, T, T, T, T, U, U, W

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Ling o'Tree

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following clues describes two words. One of the words is a type of tree. The other word is that tree with one of the following changes: a letter added anywhere (pine spine), a letter deleted anywhere (larch arch), a letter changed anywhere (birch birth). There is no rearrangement of the other letters. No tree is used more than once.

1) This is an older tree.
2) This is a well-known tree.
3) This is a feeble tree.
4) This is a man tree.
5) This tree is related to an ox.
6) This tree makes hasty decisions.
7) This tree is used to steer a ship.
8) This tree is a soothing lotion.
9) This is tree hair.
10) This is something a ...

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Country Club

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which country in Group B can be added to Group A? Why? It has nothing to do with spelling or pronunciation.

Group A: Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Malaysia
Group B: Cambodia, France, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Somalia

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Fake Stone

Games / Brain Teasers /

I am a fake stone,
I am green without envy.
I am three in one,
I can symbolize the Trinity.

What am I?

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Class Photo

Games / Brain Teasers /

Jacob's class picture has 40 photos arranged in a 8 x 5 grid. The photos in the top row are numbered 1 through 8 from left to right, with the photos in the remaining rows similarly numbered (as shown below). Given the following clues (bordering includes horizontal, vertical, and diagonal), where is Jacob's picture?

X X X X X X X X (1 - 8)
X X X X X X X X (9 - 16)
X X X X X X X X (17 - 24)
X X X X X X X X (25 - 32)
X X X X X X X X (33 - 40)

1) There are 20 boys and 20 girls.
2) Each row and column has at least two girls, but no more than four girls.
3) Every girl borders at least one other girl.
4) Girls are located at positions that are prime ...

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Call 911

Games / Brain Teasers /

What is the meaning of this rebus?

Buse, train derailment!
Emic, head-on collision!
Oint, apartment on fire!
Rena, bank robbery in progress!

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Slice & Splice

Games / Brain Teasers /

Slice the six 3-letter words in Group A into individual letters. Then create three 6-letter words for Group B. Each of the Group B words is constructed by splicing one letter from each of the Group A words together. The letters can be spliced in whatever order necessary to create a word in the English language. Each letter from Group A can only be used one time. The Group B words share a common characteristic. One letter of each Group B word is provided.

Group B: -A----, --R---, C-----

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Sum of the Parts

Games / Brain Teasers /

What famous phrase is represented by this rebus?

(K + I + N + G) = (D + U + K + E) = (S + I + R) = (M + I + S + T + E + R) = ...

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Words with PH

Games / Brain Teasers /

Five words that contain PH as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

-PH--, PH----, -PH---, --PH--, ---PH--

Pool: A, A, C, D, G, I, I, I, I, L, L, L, M, N, O, R, S, U, U, Y

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Word Fusion

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each statement describes two words that when fused together create a new unrelated word (not a compound word). The clues do not necessarily indicate in which order the two words are attached. Example: This is the oldness of a tablet (pill + age = pillage).

1) This is a musical performed on a hill.
2) This is when a fish goes into a building.
3) This is a bird that is tardy.
4) This is used to prevent a skirt from getting shorter.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Enter words into the following word chain such that each pair of words in the chain forms a compound word. No word can appear in the chain more than one time. Each "?" represents a missing word. Example: girl ? ? shape = girl friend ship shape = girlfriend friendship shipshape.

dug ? side ? ? over ? ? hold ? ? owner ? ? arm ? ? ? wink

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Anagram Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

Words of six letters, anagrams three. Tell me then, what can they be?

The first:
A person that will marry you;
Waiting to hear the words "I do".

The second:
A ghost, a spirit, or fairy;
If it's evil, you'd best be wary.

The third:
What you see when you see a skunk;
Lucky you've not an elephant's trunk.

What are the words?

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Make CARP (fish) evolve into GOAT (mammal) by changing one letter at a time. Each change must produce a valid word in the English language. But there is a catch. The evolution must go through NEWT (amphibian) and CROW (bird). No word can be used more than once.

CARP ---- NEWT ---- CROW ---- GOAT

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Roaming Gnome

Games / Brain Teasers /

There is a 7-letter word that has, as one of its definitions, a 6-letter word. Now, switch the positions of the third and sixth letters of the original word, making a new word (an anagram). One of its definitions is now that same 6-letter word, except that it is split into two words (for example, "inward" can be split into "in ward").

What are the two words? What are the definitions?

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American Presidents

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which president from Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: William Harrison, Zachary Taylor, James Garfield, John Kennedy

Group B: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter

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Bones in the Storage Room

Games / Brain Teasers /

What does this rebus represent?

The late Dan DeLion: "It's nice that someone mows the cemetery grass"
The recently deceased Mary O'Nette: "It's enjoyable just lying around"
The dearly departed Otto MacAnic: "I'm happy not having to share a room"
The just interred Anna Robic: "I appreciated the beautiful eulogy"

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Word Fusion

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each statement describes two words that when fused together create a new unrelated word (not a compound word). The clues do not necessarily indicate in which order the two words are attached. Example: This is the oldness of a tablet (pill + age = pillage).

1) This is a sleep relative.
2) This is a masculine painting.
3) This is when a snake stops moving.
4) This is body waste from a fruit.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

What does this rebus describe?

Coffee @ 120 degrees
Wine @ 40 degrees

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