


Grape Rouge

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: forty, grape, react, rouge
Group B: carat, claim, coast, crass, curse

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Per this rebus, what is indicated by item #5?

1) . echo
2) . feedback
3) . reflect
4) . reply
5) .

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Dress Code

Games / Brain Teasers /

The sign at the restaurant read "No shirt, no shoes, no service". Wally put on a shirt and a pair of shoes, tried to enter without pants and socks, but he was still turned away. Apparently, he had to be fully dressed. Help Wally get dressed, starting with his shirt, then his pants, followed by his socks, and finally his shoes. Change SHIRT to SHOES by changing one letter at a time. The change must go through PANTS and SOCKS. Each change must produce a valid word in the English language. No word can be used more than once.


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Tale of a Tail

Games / Brain Teasers /

As I get closer, my tail grows longer;
As I leave, my tail leads the way.

What am I?

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Make GAR (fish) evolve into DOG (mammal) by changing one letter at a time. Each change must produce a valid word in the English language. But there is a catch. The evolution must go through BOA (reptile) and OWL (bird). No word can be used more than once.

GAR ---- BOA ---- OWL ---- DOG

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Comb Tonic

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: comb, mount, strophe, tonic
Group B: acre, floor, giant, log, redo, view

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Word Gender

Games / Brain Teasers /

The following ten words can be divided into two groups of five words. The words within each group will share a common characteristic. What are the two groups? Which words belong in those groups?

dam late lice linger per son stern tent under use

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Coral Dragon

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in Group B can be added to Group A? Why?

Group A: coral, dragon, holy, wed
Group B: basin, liter, music, paten, syrup, talon

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are anagrams of each other (each sentence describes a different set).

1) George threw his extra javelin through two fleshy fruits related to an apple.

2) Mary had to halt the food preparation because she found a stain on each of the cooking utensils.

3) Per the negotiation, Isaac agreed to guide the troops through the valley.

4) How would you respond if the container of supplies had disappeared without a vestige?

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Word Fusion

Games / Brain Teasers /

Each statement describes two words that when fused together create a new unrelated word (not a compound word). The clues do not necessarily indicate in which order the two words are attached. Example: This is the average oldness of a tablet (pill + age = pillage).

1) This is an automobile's domesticated animal.
2) This is a group of wolves, much like stone or bronze.
3) This is an alcoholic beverage that is made from a part of a fish.
4) This is a volume's military partner.

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Operation Sharp-ectomy

Games / Brain Teasers /

Six words have had their sharp things removed. The sharp things have been placed into Group A. The remaining letters of each word have been placed into Group B. Your task is to reconstitute the words by merging each sharp thing with the proper set of letters. Other than merging the two groups together, there is no rearranging of the letters. Example: sand + pne = spanned (SpANneD).

Group A: brad, nail, pin, piton, spike, stake
Group B: eeve, insrai, raha, rnlr, ufesbe, waebst

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More Twisted Personas

Games / Brain Teasers /

The names of four famous people have been scrambled. They are: an athlete, an entertainer, a leader of a country, and a scientist (though not necessarily in that order). Who are they?

1) gong, hero gets a win
2) oh, a jet man
3) sly peer lives
4) ten elite brains

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Animal Life

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which animal in Group B can be added to Group A? Why? It has nothing to do with spelling or pronunciation.

Group A:
garter snake

Group B:
golden eagle

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Anagram Riddle

Games / Brain Teasers /

I am a set of three words, all with the same four letters.
First I am a type of carriage.
Then switch my middle letters, and I am a cover often useful on a diamond.
Now switch my end letters ...
When you see me, you also see hair.

What are the words?

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Greek Mythology

Games / Brain Teasers /

Complete the series by making a selection from the pool.

Series: Hermes, Aphrodite, Gaea, Ares, Zeus, Cronus, Uranus, Poseidon, ?

Pool: Athena, Dionysus, Eros, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera

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Words with AB

Games / Brain Teasers /

Five words that contain AB as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

-AB--, ---AB, AB----, AB-----, -AB----

Pool: C, E, E, I, I, I, L, L, N, P, Q, R, S, S, T, T, T, U, U, Y

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Persons of Interest

Games / Brain Teasers /

What is the meaning of this rebus?

marcus Brutus
john wilkes Booth
Billy the kid
Bonnie parker
clyde Barrow

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Motherly Love

Games / Brain Teasers /

Black as night I can be,
Until my Mother sits on me;
Then clear as ice I become
In the rough, thank you Mum.

What am I?

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Games / Brain Teasers /

Each of the following sentences contains clues to a set of three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter (each sentence describes a different set). Example: malt, melt, molt.

1) Billy discovered a cylindrical chest buried beneath the knoll.

2) The only evidence found by the detective was some adhesive in the chimney passage.

3) The bashful bovine rested on the small bed.

4) The latest fad was for people to desire the ingestion of a tall wading bird.

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